カナダ タイムホームステイ > ESL レッスン

ESL レッスン

状況に応じた英会話の練習、実用的な日常英会話などのレッスン(基本的に参加者の希望に沿ったレッスンを行います)、さらにホストと外に出かけその場に応じた使える英語の練習もします。その他にも、ベイキングやクッキングのレッスン(たとえば、フォカッチャ&ハーブブレッド、タルト、ケーキやパン類などをつくります)などを行います。(実際に何かを行うレッスンは、hands on lesson といいます。)

ESL Lessons

There is a lesson given each day in addition to day trips and activities in the area. Lessons include classroom study & field trips to practice your English, and cooking & baking.

The lesson can involve one guest to a maximum of two guests. Larger groups can be intimidating for some individuals and equal learning opportunities are not always given. Smaller groups up to three people ensures that you are not neglected, allowing you to benefit more from the experience. There is one native teacher and a second Japanese assistant teacher who has taught ESL in Tokyo, Japan and who has lived overseas.

The ESL based lessons concentrate on speaking, listening and conversation. We have created a booklet including some essential grammar and references that you will find helpful. ESL classroom lessons are taught at home, but sometimes involve an hour field trip so that you can practice what you've learned.

* Lessons are taught entirely in English, but in some situations Japanese help is available to clarify something important or to help solve a concern. Speaking & listening in English will help to improve your English, and therefore everyone is encouraged to speak in English.

Hands on Series

Cooking & Baking

Learn English while learning new recipes & cooking methods. We will use fresh organic vegetables, fruits & herbs to create brushetta, pumpkin ravioli, focaccia & herb breads, tarts, pies & fruit crisp. Christmas time is a festive season when guests will be able to prepare gingerbread, shortbread, chocolates & truffles.



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